If you haven’t quit smoking yet

Work out the benefits of quitting. 

Work out the benefits of quitting. 

There are many benefits to quitting smoking. You’ll save money, but best of all you are taking steps to improve your health.  Your lungs will be healthier, your risk of cancer is reduced and your risk of having a heart attack or stroke is also reduced.

Learn more about why quitting smoking is good for your heart.

Discuss quitting options, including nicotine replacement therapy. 

Discuss quitting options, including nicotine replacement therapy. 

The best way to boost your chances of quitting for good is to work with a professional advisor or coach. Using nicotine replacements or quitting medicines can also help.

Speak with your doctor about wanting to quit

You can also call the Quitline on 13 78 48 or visit the Quit Now website.

Set a date to quit. 

Set a date to quit. 

  • Pick a date within the next two weeks.
  • Choose an easy day to stop smoking.
  • Get rid of your cigarettes the night before.
  • Plan your quit day.
  • If you live with someone that smokes, talk to them about quitting at the same time as you. 

Make sure your home and car are smoke-free. 

Make sure your home and car are smoke-free. 

Get rid of all the cigarettes in your home and car. If you don’t have any in the house you’ll have to go to the shop if you feel the urge to smoke. If others smoke in the house or car, ask them not to and to smoke outside instead.

If you have already quit

Avoid areas where you might be exposed to second-hand smoke. 

Avoid areas where you might be exposed to second-hand smoke. 

Avoid being in places where you will be tempted to smoke. Ask others to not smoke near you. Let them know you have quit and don’t want to be tempted.  

Call the Quitline on 13 78 48 if you are having problems with not smoking. 

Call the Quitline on 13 78 48 if you are having problems with not smoking. 

Quitline has a wealth of resources that can assist you to help stop smoking. They can provide information and support that will assist you in your attempt to stop smoking.

You can also visit the Quit Now website.

Remind yourself of two benefits of quitting. 

Remind yourself of two benefits of quitting. 

When you decide to quit smoking, think of two reasons why you want to quit. These might be to feel healthier, to not expose your children to smoking or to save money. Think of these two reasons whenever you feel like giving up. They will help to remind you why you are doing it.

Make sure your home and car are smoke-free. 

Make sure your home and car are smoke-free. 

Get rid of all the cigarettes in your home and car. If you don’t have any in the house you’ll have to go to the shop if you feel the urge to smoke. If others smoke in the house or car, ask them not to and to smoke outside instead.

If you are a non-smoker

Avoid areas where you might be exposed to second-hand smoke. 

Avoid areas where you might be exposed to second-hand smoke. 

Avoid being in places where you will be surrounded by cigarettes. Ask others to not smoke near you.

Make sure your home and car are smoke-free. 

Make sure your home and car are smoke-free. 

Ask people who visit your house not to smoke inside. If they have to smoke, request that they do it a distance away from your home. Don’t let others smoke in the car.

  • At least one action needs a decision made.

Well done on making a great start. You're already doing many of these actions already. It's good to go back and check the things you're already doing. For example, use a food diary track your progress, whether it's actions you're already doing, or ready to do now.

The tips below can help you plan each step in your recovery.

Well done on making a great start. You're already doing many of these actions already. You can help keep yourself on track by using a diary to track your progress, whether it's actions you're already doing, or ready to do now.

The tips below can help you plan your next step toward recovery.

Well done on making a great start. You're already doing many of these actions already. You can help keep yourself on track by using a diary to track your progress, whether it's actions you're already doing, or ready to do now.

Don't worry about not being ready to take action on some things. Recovery is not a race. Remember every step you take counts.

The tips below can help you plan your next step toward recovery.

Well done on starting your action plan. It's great that you're ready to take action on so many things. Sometimes, it's challenging when you have a long list of things to do. You can help keep yourself on track by using a diary to track your progress as you go.

The tips below can help you plan your next step toward recovery.

Well done on making a start. It's great that you're ready to take action on so many things. Sometimes, it's challenging when you have a long list of things to do. You can help keep yourself on track by using a diary to track your progress as you go.

The tips below can help you plan your next step toward recovery, even if you think you're not ready.

It's great that you're ready to take action on so many things. Sometimes, it's challenging when you have a long list of things to do. You can help keep yourself on track by using a diary to track your progress as you go.

Don't worry about not being ready to take action on some things. Recovery is not a race. Remember every step you take counts.

The tips below can help you plan your next step toward recovery.

Well done on starting your action plan. Making a plan is an important step in your recovery. Even though you don't feel ready to make a start with most actions, don't worry. Recovery is not a race. Every step you take counts – even if it's just one.

Take your time. The tips below can help you plan your next step toward recovery, even if you think you're not ready.

The tips below can help you plan your next step toward recovery, even if you think you're not ready.

Well done on making a start. Making a plan is an important step in your recovery. Even though you don't feel ready to make a start with most actions, don't worry. Recovery is not a race. Every step you take counts – even if it's just one.

Take your time. The tips below can help you plan your next step toward recovery, even if you think you're not ready.

Well done on starting your action plan. It's great that you're ready to take action, no matter how many steps you're ready to take action on.

Making a plan is an important step in your recovery.

Even though you don't feel ready to make a start with most actions, don't worry. Recovery is not a race. Every step you take counts – even if it's just one.

Take your time. The tips below can help you plan your next step toward recovery, even if you think you're not ready.

Already doing this

You haven’t selected anything that you’re ‘already doing’. Don’t worry, just choose something you’re ‘ready to do now’ and focus on that.

You’ve already started these actions. Great work. When you get started, keep track of your progress using a diary and the will become part of your routine in no time.

You’ve already started these actions. Great work. Keep track of your progress using a diary and the will become part of your routine in no time.

Ready to do now

You haven’t selected anything that you’re ‘ready to do now’. If you’re not sure what to do next, talk to a friend, your health care professional about steps you can take to improve your heart health.

It’s great you’re ready to start this action. Take your time getting it right, then select a new action to try. The tip below can help you make this action plan work for you.

It’s great you’re ready to start these actions. Take your time getting them right, then select a new action to try. The tips below can help you make this action plan work for you.

Not ready yet / Undecided

You haven’t selected anything you’re ‘not ready to do’. Well done, it looks like you’re making great progress. Follow the tips above for things you’re ‘ready to do now’. If you need a new challenge, ask a health care professional about more ways to improve your heart health.

You’ve listed the below item as something you’re not ready to do yet. Give this action a try when you’re ready.

You’ve listed the below items as something you’re not ready to do yet or you may not have selected it at all. Give one of these actions a try when you’re ready

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